Compile on CMS3 is a high performance computing (HPC) cluster at Texas A&M University. It has NVIDIA T4 GPUs. OpenDiS has been used in the teaching at the summer school of CMS3 in July 2024.

Load modules

Put the following lines in your ~/.bash_profile file, exit and login again

module load gcc/8.3.0
module load cuda/12.2.2

Build ExaDiS/KOKKOS (GPU version)

rm -rf build/; ./ -DSYS=cms3-fast
cmake --build build -j 8 ; cmake --build build --target install

Alternatively, you can also copy the cmake/sys.cmake.cms3-fast file to cmake/sys.cmake.ext and configure without -DSYS. The cmake/sys.cmake.ext file is not tracked by git so you can feel free to experiment with the settings.

cp cmake/sys.cmake.cms3-fast cmake/sys.cmake.ext
rm -rf build/; ./ 
cmake --build build -j 8 ; cmake --build build --target install

When compilation is successful, you should see a file like pyexadis.cpython*.so in the core/exadis/python folder.

Run test case (GPU version)

cd examples/02_frank_read_src
conda activate opendis
python3 -i