Obtaining, building and running the code

ExaDiS is implemented using the Kokkos framework and built using the CMake build system. The code is available as a standalone, or as part of the OpenDiS framework where the ExaDiS repository is included as a submodule.

Obtaining the code from OpenDiS


This is the preferred way of obtaining the code.

You can obtain the code from OpenDiS, in which ExaDiS is included as a submodule. To do so, please follow the steps described in the Installation section.

Obtaining the code as a standalone

Alternatively, you can obtain the code as a standalone from the ExaDiS repository. A typical installation of the code follows the steps below:

  • Step 1: Clone the repository and submodules

git clone --recursive https://github.com/LLNL/exadis.git
cd exadis

Alternatively, you can use the following commands to achieve the same

git clone https://github.com/LLNL/exadis.git
cd exadis
git submodule init
git submodule update
  • Step 2: Configure the build for your system by passing build options to the configure.sh script. (See list of options in the Build Options section below.)

    • Example: default build with SERIAL and OPENMP backends

    • Example: build with CUDA backend and device architecture VOLTA70

    ./configure.sh \
        -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=On \
        -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LAMBDA=On \
    • You can also use pre-defined build options and/or create your own build options by setting the options in files cmake/sys.cmake.<mysystem>, and then passing build argument -DSYS=<mysystem>. E.g., to build for SYS=lassen (i.e. using options set in file cmake/sys.cmake.lassen):

    ./configure.sh -DSYS=lassen
  • Step 3: Build the code

cmake --build build -j8


Building for GPU (e.g. with nvcc or hipcc) may be pretty slow, please be patient!

For additional building options and troubleshooting see section Detailed build instructions below.

  • Step 4: Test your installation by running an example (assuming -DEXADIS_PYTHON_BINDING=On)

cd examples/02_frank_read_src
python test_frank_read_src.py

Detailed build instructions


  • Kokkos:

    • ExaDiS is implemented using the Kokkos framework. Kokkos is included as a submodule to the repository and will be automatically cloned to the kokkos/ folder when using the git submodule commands or cloning with the --recursive option (see Step 1 of Quick Start section). By default, Kokkos will be built in-tree while building ExaDiS. ExaDiS will be compiled for the backend(s) selected to build Kokkos. For instance, if Kokkos is built to run on GPUs (e.g. with build option -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=ON), then ExaDiS will be compiled to run on GPUs. If a prior Kokkos installation exists on the machine, its installation path can be provided with ExaDiS build option -DKokkos_ROOT, in which case Kokkos will not be built in-tree. Instructions on how to configure/install Kokkos are found at https://github.com/kokkos/kokkos.

  • FFT libraries

    • ExaDiS uses FFT libraries to compute long-range elastic interactions. To compile ExaDiS without this module (e.g. if no FFT library is available) use build option -DEXADIS_FFT=Off. Otherwise (default), different FFT libraries are invoked depending on the target backend:

      • Serial/OpenMP backend: uses FFTW. Include and library directories can be specified with build options FFTW_INC_DIR and FFTW_LIB_DIR, respectively.

      • Cuda backend: uses cuFFT

      • HIP backend: uses hipFFT

  • pybind11

    • ExaDiS uses pybind11 for the python binding module. pybind11 is included as a submodule to the repository and will be automatically cloned to the python/pybind11 folder when using the git submodule commands or cloning with the --recursive option (see Step 1 of Quick Start section). To use a specific python version/executable, use build option PYTHON_EXECUTABLE. If needed, the include path to the python-dev package (containing file Python.h) can be provided with build option PYTHON_DEV_INC_DIR. To compile ExaDiS without this module, use build option -DEXADIS_PYTHON_BINDING=Off.

Build options

Below is a list of the various CMake build option specific to ExaDiS. The build options are passed as arguments to the cmake command as -D<BUILD_OPTION_NAME>=<value>.

  • EXADIS_PYTHON_BINDING (optional, default=On): enable/disable compilation of the python module

  • PYTHON_EXECUTABLE (optional, default=’’): specifies the path of a specific python version to be used

  • PYTHON_DEV_INC_DIR (optional, default=’’): specifies the path to the python-dev include directory

  • EXADIS_FFT (optional, default=On): enable/disable compilation of the FFT-based long-range force calculation module

  • FFTW_INC_DIR (optional, default=’’): specifies the path of the FFTW include directory

  • FFTW_LIB_DIR (optional, default=’’): specifies the path of the FFTW library directory

  • EXADIS_BUILD_EXAMPLES (optional, default=Off): builds examples that are in the examples/ folder

  • EXADIS_BUILD_TESTS (optional, default=Off): builds test cases that are in the tests/ folder

Kokkos related main build options: (see full list here)

  • Kokkos_ENABLE_SERIAL (optional, default=On): enable/disable compilation with the serial (CPU) backend

  • Kokkos_ENABLE_OPENMP (optional, default=On): enable/disable compilation with the OpenMP backend

  • Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA (optional, default=Off): enable/disable compilation with the CUDA backend. If On, option -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LAMBDA=On is also required, and a device architecture must be provided, e.g. -DKokkos_ARCH_VOLTA70=On.

  • Kokkos_ENABLE_HIP (optional, default=Off): enable/disable compilation with the HIP backend.

  • Kokkos_ROOT (optional, default=none) : specifies the path to a pre-existing Kokkos installation. Do not specify any of the above Kokkos options if this option is used; ExaDiS will be built with the backends that the pre-existing Kokkos installation was built for.