Compilation Overview

OpenDiS is a python-based framework that relies on core libraries to implement calculation modules, see Project Overview. While some OpenDiS scripts can be run without requiring compilation of the code, most of the simulations would require compilation to enjoy high-performance modules.

CMake build

OpenDiS is compiled using CMake. Core libraries and modules that need to be compiled are included in the OpenDiS compilation tree. At the moment, a build includes compilation of the ExaDiS core library, and some modules of the PyDiS library.

A typical installation follows the steps below:

Step 1: Prepare the build directory

Make sure any previous build directory is removed:

rm -rf build/

Step 2: Configure the build

Configure the build for your system by passing build options to the script. (See list of options in the Build Options section below.)

Below are various examples of how OpenDiS can be configured:

  • Example: use a pre-defined build options defined in cmake/sys.cmake.<system>, and then pass build argument -DSYS=<system>. E.g., to build for SYS=mac (i.e. using options set in file cmake/sys.cmake.mac):

./ -DSYS=mac

For more detailed instructions on pre-defined build options available in OpenDiS, see the next sections of this documentation.

  • Example: create your own build options by setting options specific to your system in file e.g. cmake/sys.cmake.mysystem, and then pass build argument -DSYS=mysystem:

./ -DSYS=mysystem
  • Example: if no SYS option is passed to, e.g.


then by default the configuration will attempt to read build options from file cmake/sys.cmake.ext if it exists. Thus, file cmake/sys.cmake.ext can be used as a sandbox to test different build configurations.

  • Example: for more advanced users, you can also pass all build options directly to the script, e.g.

./ \
    -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=On \
    -DKokkos_ARCH_VOLTA70=On \
    -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$(which python)

Step 3: Build and install the codes

Once configuration is completed, build and install the codes using the following command:

cmake --build build -j 8 ; cmake --build build --target install


Building for GPU (e.g. with nvcc or hipcc) may be pretty slow, please be patient!

Build options

Besides the standard CMAKE options and the SYS option, most OpenDiS build options are related to the ExaDiS/Kokkos core library. See the list of ExaDiS build options.