Code architecture and data structures


ExaDiS is implemented based on a modular design in which each functionality can be viewed as an independent module. This design is essential to make the code extensible and enable its coupling with various other modules within the OpenDiS framework.

ExaDiS core backend is written in modern C++ and built based on the Kokkos framework. This allows to maintain a unique version of the source code that is largely agnostic of the target hardware: the same source code can be compiled for a wide variety of systems and hardwares, e.g. for serial CPU machines, using OpenMP, or for GPU machines using cuda or hip architectures, for instance.

ExaDiS classes and functions are implemented with high-performance and high-parallelism kernel execution in mind. Yet, the code is designed to abstract away as much complexity as possible, so as to lower the entry barrier for developing new functionalities. For prototyping or first implementation pass, ExaDiS also provides convenient helper functions and data structures that are easier to manipulate than Kokkos-based implementations. An illustration of this is the Topology class implementation, where class TopologySerial implements the split-multi-node procedure in a serial fashion on the host (CPU), while TopologyParallel is an implementation of the same split-multi-node procedure but executed with highly-parallel kernels on the device (GPU).

Project structure

Here is a brief description of the directory structure of the ExaDiS code:

  • cmake/: cmake related files, including pre-defined build system options

  • examples/: examples of scripts and simulations

    • each example is numbered and placed in a dedicated subfolder

  • kokkos/: directory containing the Kokkos submodule

  • python/: files related to the python binding implementation

    • pybind11/ directory containing the pybind11 submodule

    • exadis_pybind.cpp: implementation of the C++ classes / functions binding

    • interface enabling the use of pyexadis within OpenDiS

    • pyexadis utility functions

  • src/ : C++ source and header files (*.cpp, *.h)

    • base class files and common functions are at the root of the src directory

    • individual module implementations are placed in subfolders

    • collision_types/: implementation of collision modules

    • force_types/: implementation of force modules

    • integrator_types/: implementation of integrator modules

    • mobility_types/: implementation of mobility modules

    • neighbor_types/: implementation of neighbor modules

    • topology_types/: implementation of topology modules

  • tests/: files for testing and debugging

    • benchmark/: benchmark tests to evaluate the performance of the code

    • debug.h: debug utility functions

    • test_exadis.cpp: simple ExaDiS test simulations

Dislocation network and data structures

Dislocation networks in ExaDiS are stored using two major classes, SerialDisNet and DeviceDisNet. Class DisNetManager is used as a container to synchronize dislocation networks between the two classes for use in the different execution spaces (host CPU / device GPU).

SerialDisNet class

SerialDisNet is a STL-based class that allows to easily create, manipulate, and modify dislocation networks on the host: a SerialDisNet instance is marked for a Kokkos::Serial execution space associated with a Kokkos::HostSpace memory space. The SerialDisNet class implements all low-level topological operations, e.g. split_seg(), split_node(), and merge_nodes() methods. It is designed to create initial dislocation networks and perform topological operations on existing networks.


  • SerialDisNet(): instantiate an empty dislocation network

  • SerialDisNet(double Lbox): instantiate an empty dislocation network within a cubic cell of side Lbox

  • SerialDisNet(const Cell& cell): instantiate an empty dislocation network within a cell Cell


  • Cell cell: dislocation network cell

  • std::vector<DisNode> nodes: array of nodes

  • std::vector<DisSeg> segs: array of segments

  • std::vector<Conn> conn: array of node connectivity

  • int Nnodes_local: number of local nodes

  • int Nsegs_local: number of local segments


  • int number_of_nodes(): returns the number of nodes in the network

  • int number_of_segs(): returns the number of segments in the network

  • NodeTag get_new_tag(): returns a new available node tag

  • void free_tag(NodeTag& tag): release an existing node tag

  • void update_ptr(): updates pointers to the nodes, segments and connectivity data as STL arrays may be reallocated under-the-hood, e.g. due to resize during topology changes

  • DisNode* get_nodes(): returns a pointer to the nodes array data

  • DisSeg* get_segs() returns a pointer to the segments array data

  • Conn* get_conn() returns a pointer to the connectivity array data

  • void add_node(const Vec3& pos): add a node by specifying its position pos

  • void add_node(const Vec3& pos, int constraint): add a node by specifying its position pos and its constraint constraint

  • void add_node(const NodeTag& tag, const Vec3& pos): add a node by specifying its tag tag and position pos

  • void add_node(const NodeTag& tag, const Vec3& pos, int constraint): add a node by specifying its tag tag, position pos, and its constraint constraint

  • void add_seg(int n1, int n2, const Vec3& b): add a segment with Burgers vector b connecting node at index n1 with node at index n2

  • void add_seg(int n1, int n2, const Vec3& b, const Vec3& p): add a segment with Burgers vector b and plane nornal p connecting node at index n1 with node at index n2

  • int find_connection(int n1, int n2): finds in the node connectivity array of n1 if there exists a connection (segment) to node at index n2

  • void generate_connectivity(): generate the connectivity array for all nodes

  • double seg_length(int i): returns the length of segment i

  • bool constrained_node(int i): returns if node i is a constrained node

  • bool discretization_node(int i): returns if node i is a discretization node

  • void update_node_plastic_strain(int i, const Vec3& pold, const Vec3& pnew, Mat33& dEp): update the plastic strain tensor dEp with the increment of moving node i from position pold to position pnew

  • int split_seg(int i, const Vec3& pos, bool update_conn=true): splits segment i by inserting a new node at position pos and returns the index of the new node

  • int split_node(int i, std::vector<int> arms): splits node i into a new node that contains the subset of arms indices arms, and returns the index of the new node

  • bool merge_nodes(int n1, int n2, Mat33& dEp): merges nodes n1 and n2 into node n1, updates the corresponding plastic strain tensor dEp, and returns whether the merge succeeded

  • bool merge_nodes_position(int n1, int n2, const Vec3 &pos, Mat33& dEp): merges nodes n1 and n2 into node n1 at position pos, updates the corresponding plastic strain tensor dEp, and returns whether the merge succeeded

  • void remove_segs(std::vector<int> seglist): removes all segments with indices specified in seglist from the network

  • void remove_nodes(std::vector<int> nodelist): removes all nodes with indices specified in nodelist from the network

  • void purge_network(): purge the network from unconnected nodes and zero Burgers vectors segments

  • std::vector<std::vector<int> > physical_links(): decompose the network into a set of dislocation links connecting physical network nodes

  • double dislocation_density(double burgmag): computes the dislocation density in units of 1/m^2 given the Burgers vector scaling factor burgmag

  • void write_data(std::string filename): write the dislocation network into a file using the legacy ParaDiS .data format

  • SaveNode save_node(int i): save a dislocation node and all its connections

  • void restore_node(SaveNode& saved_node): restore a dislocation node and all its connections from a save node saved_node

DeviceDisNet class

DeviceDisNet is a class that uses Kokkos views to store and access dislocation nodes, segments and connections for device execution (GPU): a DeviceDisNet instance is marked for a Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace execution space associated with corresponding default memory space. These will default to the highest available execution/memory spaces available at compile time (e.g. device spaces when compiling for GPU). As of now, the DeviceDisNet class does not implement topological operations.


  • DeviceDisNet(const Cell& cell): instantiates an empty dislocation network within a cell Cell


  • Cell cell: dislocation network cell

  • T_nodes nodes: Kokkos view of nodes

  • T_segs segs: Kokkos view of segments

  • T_conn conn: Kokkos view of node connectivity

  • int Nnodes_local: number of local nodes

  • int Nsegs_local: number of local segments


  • void update_ptr(): updates network pointers (dummy for DeviceDisNet)

  • T_nodes::pointer_type get_nodes(): returns a pointer to the nodes view data

  • T_segs::pointer_type get_segs() returns a pointer to the segments view data

  • T_conn::pointer_type get_conn() returns a pointer to the connectivity view data

DisNetManager class

Class DisNetManager is used as a container to synchronize dislocation networks between the two classes SerialDisNet and DeviceDisNet for use in the different execution spaces. A DisNetManager object is instantiated by providing a SerialDisNet (resp. DeviceDisNet) object, and a mirror DeviceDisNet (resp. SerialDisNet) object is automatically created. A given instance of a network type is requested by using functions get_serial_network() and get_device_network(). When calling these functions, a memory copy is triggered only if the requested network type instance is not marked as active to minimize memory transfers between host and device memory spaces. DisNetManager is used as the fundamental network class associated with the ExaDiS System object that is being propagated through the different ExaDiS modules.


  • DisNetManager(SerialDisNet* n): instantiates a DisNetManager object from a SerialDisNet dislocation network n

  • DisNetManager(DeviceDisNet* d): instantiates a DisNetManager object from a DeviceDisNet dislocation network d


  • SerialDisNet* get_serial_network(): returns a pointer to a SerialDisNet instance of the dislocation network

  • DeviceDisNet* get_device_network(): returns a pointer to a DeviceDisNet instance of the dislocation network

  • int get_active(): returns the currently active network type (SERIAL_ACTIVE or DEVICE_ACTIVE)

  • void set_active(int a): sets as active the network type a = SERIAL_ACTIVE or a = DEVICE_ACTIVE

  • int Nnodes_local(): returns the number of local nodes in the network

  • int Nsegs_local(): returns the number of local segments in the network

System class

System is the base class in ExaDiS that contains all information about the simulated dislocation system, including the parameters, the crystal instance, and the dislocation network object. A System object is the fundamental data structure that is being propagated from modules to modules.


A System object must be allocated using the exadis_new() or the make_system() helper functions to ensure it is placed on a memory space accessible to all execution spaces.


  • System(): instantiates an empty System object

  • System* make_system(SerialDisNet* net, Crystal crystal, Params params): creates a System object from an initial dislocation network, crystal instance, and parameters object.


  • DisNetManager* net_mngr: dislocation network manager of the system

  • double neighbor_cutoff: neighbor cutoff for the simulated system

  • Params params: parameters of the simulated system

  • Crystal crystal: crystal object of the simulated system

  • T_x xold: Kokkos view to store old nodal positions

  • Mat33 extstress: external/applied stress tensor

  • double realdt: current global time step size of the simulation

  • Mat33 dEp: current increment of plastic strain for the time step

  • Mat33 dWp: current increment of plastic spin for the time step

  • double density: current dislocation density in the system

  • SystemTimer timer[]: array of timers of the system

  • int numdevtimer: number of development timers of the system

  • SystemTimer devtimer[]: array of development timers of the system


  • void initialize(Params _params, Crystal _crystal, SerialDisNet* network): initialize a System object with a parameters object, a crystal instance, and an initial dislocation network

  • void register_neighbor_cutoff(double cutoff): register a minimum cutoff distance to be used in the simulated system

  • SerialDisNet* get_serial_network(): returns a pointer to a SerialDisNet instance of the dislocation network of the system

  • DeviceDisNet* get_device_network(): returns a pointer to a DeviceDisNet instance of the dislocation network of the system

  • int Nnodes_local(): returns the local number of dislocation nodes in the system

  • int Nsegs_local(): returns the local number of dislocation segments in the system

  • int Nnodes_total(): returns the total number of dislocation nodes in the system

  • int Nsegs_total(): returns the total number of dislocation segments in the system

  • void plastic_strain(): computes the plastic strain resulting from the motion of all dislocation lines between the nodal positions stored in xold and the current positions

  • void reset_glide_planes(): reset and select appropriate glide planes for all segments in the network

  • void write_config(std::string filename): writes the network configuration into a file (in legacy ParaDiS format for now)

  • void print_timers(bool dev=false): prints system timers