Binding modules to python

Binding of C++ functions to python (pyexadis) is done using pybind11 and implemented in the python/ directory of the ExaDiS folder. Wrappers are implemented on both the C++ and the python sides, in files exadis_pybind.cpp and, respectively. Any C++ ExaDiS class or function implemented in src/ must be explicitly wrapped into a corresponding binding object in file exadis_pybind.cpp in order to be exposed to python in the pyexadis library.

Example 1: binding of a simple class

For instance, a class MyExaDisClass implemented in C++ ExaDiS

class MyExaDisClass {
    MyExaDisClass() {
        // Initialize
    void foo() {
        // Do some stuff

must be binded to the pyexadis module in exadis_pybind.cpp via:

py::class_<MyExaDisClass>(m, "MyExaDisClass")
    .def("foo", &MyExaDisClass::foo, "Do some stuff");

in order to become available on the python side:

import pyexadis
myobject = pyexadis.MyExaDisClass()

Example 2: binding of an ExaDiS module

For an ExaDiS module MyExaDisModule implemented in C++ that operates with ExaDiS System objects, e.g.

class MyExaDisModule {
    MyExaDisModule(System* system) {
        // Initialize
    void foo(System* system) {
        // Do some stuff

the binding must also act as a wrapper for the System object, which is only internal to ExaDiS and not directly exposed to the python side. This is because, in the context of OpenDiS, one should allow the input system to be provided from an arbitrary core library (e.g PyDiS). One way to proceed is to create a wrapper binding struct on the C++ side and expose this struct to pyexadis, e.g. in exadis_pybind.cpp:

struct MyExaDisModuleBind {
    MyExaDisModule* mymodule;
    Params params;
    MyExaDisModuleBind(Params& p) {
        params = p;
        System* system = make_system(new SerialDisNet(), Crystal(), params);
        mymodule = new MyExaDisModule(system);
    void foo(ExaDisNet& disnet) {
        System* system = disnet.system;
        system->params = params;

py::class_<MyExaDisModuleBind>(m, "MyExaDisModule")
    .def(py::init<Params>(), py::arg("params"))
    .def("foo", &MyExaDisModuleBind::foo, "Do some stuff", py::arg("net"));

such that the module now becomes available on the python side:

import pyexadis
from pyexadis_base import get_exadis_params
# Initialization
state = {...}
N = DisNetManager(...)
# Instantiate the module
params = get_exadis_params(state)
mymodule = pyexadis.MyExaDisModule(params)
# Call module method on network object
G = N.get_disnet(ExaDisNet)