### Compile on Sherlock [Sherlock](https://www.sherlock.stanford.edu/).stanford.edu is a Linux (CentOS) cluster. #### Load modules Put the following lines in your ``~/.bash_profile file``, exit and login again ````bash module load cmake/3.24.2 module load cuda/11.0.3 module load gcc/9.1.0 module load fftw/3.3.10 module load python/3.9.0 module load py-numpy/1.24.2_py39 ```` Install Matplotlib python module ````bash python3 -m pip install matplotlib --user ```` #### Build ExaDiS/KOKKOS (OMP version) ````bash cd ${OPENDIS_DIR} rm -rf build/; ./configure.sh -DSYS=sherlock cmake --build build -j 8 ; cmake --build build --target install ```` Alternatively, you can also copy the ``cmake/sys.cmake.sherlock`` file to ``cmake/sys.cmake.ext`` and configure without -DSYS. The ``cmake/sys.cmake.ext`` file is not tracked by git so you can feel free to experiment with the settings. ````bash cp cmake/sys.cmake.sherlock cmake/sys.cmake.ext rm -rf build/; ./configure.sh cmake --build build -j 8 ; cmake --build build --target install ```` When compilation is successful, you should see a file like ``pyexadis.cpython*.so`` in the ``core/exadis/python`` folder. #### Run test case (OMP version) ````bash export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 cd ${OPENDIS_DIR} cd examples/02_frank_read_src python3 -i test_frank_read_src_exadis.py ````